Blade Runner

  • Leon kills a person in Tyrell Corporation during the Voight-Kampff test

  • Deckard retired Blade Runner, must return to duty

  • Replicants have a 4 year life span

  • Tyrell Corporation produces Replicants

  • More Human Than Human

  • SOCIAL ENGINEERING by Replicants

  • Voice control for photo enhancement (polaroid)

  • Rachel (replicant) shot Leon

    • Replicant killing another replicant.

    • Is Rachel “more human than human”

  • Deckard and Rachel fall in love

  • J. F. Sebastian wasn't able to leave Earth for a medical condition

  • J. F. helped design Nexus-6

  • Pris “I think, Sebastian, therefore I am”

  • Roy and Pris love?

  • Roy and Pris want life extended

  • Meet your maker

  • Genetic alterations in an attempt to extend life will result in death

  • Roy kills Tyrell

  • Deckard kills Pris

  • Roy is angry, sad, emotional

  • Roy gives Terminator vibes right during the ending chase scene

  • Roy begins to die but stabs himself with a nail in his palm

  • Roy becomes superhuman

    • Saves Deckard before he loses grip and falls to his death

  • Roy’s final monologue is a message that experience is lost with the death of the mind

  • Dove flying off after Roy dies

  • Rachel and Deckard runoff

  • Gaff leaves an origami unicorn as a sign for Deckard

Philip K. Dick’s 1968 novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep was the inspiration for Blade Runner. Most of the film was shot at night and under sprinklers to have rain in the streets. 1 The model used for the shots of the Tyrell corporation was an 8ft x 8ft miniature that was built. 2 

Philip K. Dick attempted suicide by overdosing on potassium bromide after some marital problems. Dick also had paranormal experiences and hallucinations. Dick also abused amphetamines through most of the sixties.3 

Edit 10/11/2022
Photos of the Blade Runner project
Pyramid is made from cardboard folded to form the sides, the top was added as a separate piece.
Each of the sides has theme that is related to the movie. The quote used an inspiration is split onto the two front sides. The animals each have their own symbolic meaning and are seen throughout the movie in the personality and actions of Roy. The second half of the quote helps connect the ideas of memories and death, with death of the replicants comes the death of any memories they had, like how tears are lost in rain. The back side illustrates the human characteristics of the replicants. One face showing two replicants holding handguns, both for different but related reasons. Leon is shooting to protect his identity as a replicant hidden, while Rachel is firing in order to protect Deckard from Leon. The other face shows the human characteristic of love/ formation of meaningful relationships, Deckard and Rachel kissing, Roy and Pris seemingly have a deeper connection and reason for trying to extend their life, and Leon was trying to recover the photos from the drawer that Deckard found leading him to Zhora. The eyes on the top represent the primary form of interaction and formation of memories, the eyes of Tyrell being pushed in removes this ability, that Tyrell must die with only the memories he has.


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