2001: A Space Odyssey

2001: A Space Odyssey shows a secret government funded mission to Jupiter with three crew mates aboard the space craft. Three other members where in hibernation chambers for the trip. HAL was the intelligence center for the mission, a human-like computer that could control any part of the mission. HAL begins to sabotage the mission depicting an over reliance on computers and artificial intelligence before computers where anywhere near mainstream commodities. The cinematography through out the movie was fantastic, there were some gaps in continuity between parts of scenes. The use of music and sound (or lack of sound) throughout the movie made scenes that would have had a more intense score had classical music. The lighting throughout the film helped to reinforce and establish emotions or ideas. The fancy space terminal was lit with bright white lights and had clean straight lines creating a more futuristic feeling. Scenes in space used only the necessary lighting adding to the feeling of the dark expanse of space.


  1. I definitely thought that the lack of music in the scenes in space was an amazing detail. It adds realism to a science-fictional film. Also, Hal himself, or *itself*, also feels like a frightening force, simply because of what he is capable of, as shown in the movie. Even in real life, people are worried that artificial intelligences, if given time, will grow and attain enough sentience to decide that we humans are too flawed for this world.


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