
Showing posts from September, 2022

Blade Runner

Leon kills a person in Tyrell Corporation during the Voight-Kampff test Deckard retired Blade Runner, must return to duty Replicants have a 4 year life span Tyrell Corporation produces Replicants More Human Than Human SOCIAL ENGINEERING by Replicants Voice control for photo enhancement (polaroid) Rachel (replicant) shot Leon Replicant killing another replicant. Is Rachel “more human than human” Deckard and Rachel fall in love J. F. Sebastian wasn't able to leave Earth for a medical condition J. F. helped design Nexus-6 Pris “I think, Sebastian, therefore I am” Roy and Pris love? Roy and Pris want life extended Meet your maker Genetic alterations in an attempt to extend life will result in death Roy kills Tyrell Deckard kills Pris Roy is angry, sad, emotional Roy gives Terminator vibes right during the ending chase scene Roy begins to die but stabs himself with a nail in his palm Roy becomes superhuman Saves Deckard before he loses grip and falls to his death Roy’s final monologue i...

2001: A Space Odyssey

2001: A Space Odyssey shows a secret government funded mission to Jupiter with three crew mates aboard the space craft. Three other members where in hibernation chambers for the trip. HAL was the intelligence center for the mission, a human-like computer that could control any part of the mission. HAL begins to sabotage the mission depicting an over reliance on computers and artificial intelligence before computers where anywhere near mainstream commodities. The cinematography through out the movie was fantastic, there were some gaps in continuity between parts of scenes. The use of music and sound (or lack of sound) throughout the movie made scenes that would have had a more intense score had classical music. The lighting throughout the film helped to reinforce and establish emotions or ideas. The fancy space terminal was lit with bright white lights and had clean straight lines creating a more futuristic feeling. Scenes in space used only the necessary lighting adding to the feeling ...


 I though that the movies depiction of the classes and the disconnect between the rich upper class that became dependent on the lower working class and moving them to work and live underground added to the division. Maria becomes this light of hope that things will change. After the robotic created Maria enters into the underground to form an uprising the working class has waited so long for something to happen that they don't realize that Maria would not instigate an active uprising, they follow the lead of the robotic Maria to rush and take over the above ground society. Freder becomes the "heart" that Maria had been talking about in the catacombs, uniting the "head" Joh Frederson and the "hand" the main machine worker. The divided society still holds true in todays society where the wealthy upper class still has some disconnect to the lower working class.

Love Death and Robots Three Robots: Exit Strategy

Three Robots: Exit Strategy was really interesting because it presented a dark future with a fun and humorous story. Three robots exploring the civilization that was once full of life. The robots begin their adventure right in front of a minefield leading to a survivalist camp. “Preppers” the people whose plan to survive during an apocalypse is to reject the government, which by this time had already failed anyways, stockpile weapons, ammo and food. The upper class built resorts in the middle of the ocean in hopes of surviving the apocalypse, and this is where we learn about the beginnings of the robot uprising. The government and high ranking officials retreated to an underground bunker to wait out the collapse of humanity. Throughout each of these explored societal groups the humor that comes along strongly reflects the current world and the response to climate crisis, energy and food. The running theme through both episodes of Three Robots is the fact that humans are stupid. As a hu...